10 Rules to Help You Eat and Drink Whole Foods

Eating and drinking wholesome food keeps you healthy and promotes performance and wellbeing. How this can be implemented has been formulated in 10 rules by the Nutrition Society based on current scientific findings.

10 Rules to Help You Eat and Drink Whole Foods


1. Eat a variety of healthy foods. Choose mostly plant-based foods.

No single food contains all of the nutrients. The more varied you eat, the lower the risk of an unbalanced diet. Make a colorful selection from all food groups. This makes it easy for you to eat and drink wholesome food.

2. Add vegetables and fruits to your daily meal

Enjoy at least 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit a day. The colorful selection also includes legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and beans as well as (unsalted) nuts.

3. Choose whole grains

When it comes to cereal products such as bread, pasta, rice, and flour, the whole grain variant is the best choice for your health.

4. Supplement the selection with foods of animal origin

Eat milk and dairy products like yogurt and cheese every day, fish once or twice a week. If you eat meat, then no more than 300 to 600 g per week.

5. Use healthy fats

Use vegetable oils over animal-based oils. Grapeseed oil and spreadable fats are good choices. Stay away from invisible fats. Fat is often hidden in many processed foods such as pastries, confectionery products, sausages, fast food, and other packaged products.

6. Avoid too much sugar and salt

Food and drinks sweetened with sugar are not recommended. Avoid these if possible and use sugar sparingly. Save salt and reduce the number of salty foods. Season creatively with herbs and spices.

7. Drink lots of water

Drink around 1.5 liters every day. Ideally, water or other calorie-free drinks such as unsweetened tea. Sugar-sweetened and alcoholic drinks are not recommended.

8. Food preparation

Cook food for as long as necessary and as short as possible, with little water and little fat. Avoid burning food when roasting, grilling, baking, and deep-frying.

9. Take your time to eat and enjoy your food

Give yourself a break from your meals and take your time eating.

10. Be mindful of your weight and keep moving

Wholesome nutrition and physical activity go hand in hand. Not only is regular exercise helpful, but it also encourages an active everyday life, e.g. B. walks or rides on a bike more often.
